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Digital Challenges in Higher Education
Digital Pedagogy: Innovative Online Teaching
- a training programme for higher education teaching staff -
implemented by the Institute for Education
The training will be carried out and is financed by the Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education project - Digital Challenge in Higher Education (project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000087029).




The training programme for innovative online teaching is comprised of 3 online courses

1   Artificial Intelligence in Education
2   Online Teaching Methodologies
3   Soft and Communication Skills for Digital Teaching


Format – hybrid learning: synchronous sessions in Romanian + asynchronous learning, in English.

Credits – 3 microcredits/ 1 ECTS for each course.

Audience: higher education teaching staff
•   University of Bucharest
•   National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)
•   Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi
•   and other Romanian universities



Trainers and course authors:


Competențe DigCompEdu (cf. OME 4150/ 2022):
• To use digital sources and resources for continuous professional development. (1.4) – level 5
• Creating and modifying digital resources (2.2) – level 6
• Teaching (3.1) – level 4
• Self-regulated learning (3.4) – level 4
• Accessibility and inclusion (5.1) – level 6
• Differentiation and personalisation (5.2) – level 6
• Actively engaging learners (5.3) – level 6
• Information and media literacy (6.1) – level 6
• Digital content creation (6.3) – level 6
• Responsible use (6.4) – level 6
• Digital problem solving (6.5) – level 6

Proposed delivery plan: Participants can join any 1, 2 or all 3 courses:


Synchronous (in Romanian)

Asynchronous (in English)

Artificial Intelligence in Education
Olimpius Istrate (UB), Ciprian Ceobanu (UAIC), Simona Velea (SNSPA)

6 hours
27 Febr., 5 March, 12 March
(18:00 – 20:00)

Approx. 22 hours

Online Teaching Methodologies
Ciprian Ceobanu (UAIC), Nicoleta Duță (UB)

3 or 6 hours
In April

Approx. 24 hours

Soft and Communication Skills for Digital Teaching
Simona Velea (SNSPA), Ruxandra Chirca (UB)

3 or 6 hours
In April

Approx. 24 hours



Pre-enrolment form:
Pre-enrolment is open until the 11th of February. Places are limited. You will receive more information through email, no later than 16 Febr.


”Artificial Intelligence in Education” is a hybrid course aiming to familiarize education professionals with the pedagogical, technical, and ethical aspects of using AI in education. During the training, participants are involved in debates about the learning value of AI and are invited to exercise various AI tools to support their research, to design learning paths, to develop support materials for teaching, to build relevant, up-to-date, effective educational situations.

The duration of the training is approximately 30 hours, self-paced: content (theory and tutorials), exercises and practical applications, development of assignments for continuous assessment, final test.

Learning outcomes. At the end of the activity, participants will be able:

Content (asynchronous learning path):

  1. What is artificial intelligence?
  2. How to use AI tools?
  3. Integration of AI tools in education
  4. AI competences
  5. Digital pedagogy
  6. The ethical issues of AI in education

1   Artificial Intelligence in Education – an Introduction

2   Online Teaching Methodologies

With the rapid growth of online education, it is crucial for educators to acquire effective online teaching methodologies to ensure student engagement and learning outcomes.

This comprehensive course is designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the online teaching environment. Participants will explore various instructional strategies, tools, and techniques to create engaging and interactive virtual learning experiences.

Objectives of the program:

Concrete results and competencies that are aimed to be produced in order to achieve goals:

Learning outcomes. By the end of the training program, participants will be able to:

Content (asynchronous learning path):

  1. Introduction to Online Teaching
  2. Designing Online Learning Experiences
  3. Online Teaching Strategies and Techniques
  4. Online Assessment and Feedback
  5. Building Online Learning Communities
  6. Online Classroom Management
  7. Emerging Technologies and Trends in Online Teaching

In today's digital era, effective teaching goes beyond subject knowledge. Soft skills and communicative skills play a vital role in creating engaging and impactful online learning experiences. This training program focuses on equipping educators with the necessary skills to enhance their digital teaching abilities and create a positive and interactive virtual classroom environment

The program recognizes the importance of fostering strong communication skills, adaptability, empathy, and collaboration among educators to effectively engage and support students in the digital learning landscape. By mastering these skills, educators can create meaningful connections with their students, promote active participation, and facilitate a conducive online learning environment.

Objectives of the training:

Concrete results and competencies that are aimed to be produced in order to achieve these goals:

Learning outcomes. By the end of the training program, participants will be able to:

Content (asynchronous learning path):

  1. Effective communication strategies
  2. Creating engaging online learning environments
  3. Adaptability and resilience in virtual teaching
  4. Cultivating empathy and inclusion online

3   Soft and Communication Skills for Digital Teaching


Pre-enrolment form:
Pre-enrolment is open until the 11. Places are limited. You will receive more information through email, no later than 16 Febr.


The content of the asynchronous training was developed within the Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education project – ”Digital Challenge in Higher Education” D-ChallengHE (project number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000087029).

The Romanian partner in D-ChallengHE project is the Institute for Education – Bucharest (» More info...)



Self-paced online courses

Guided online courses

Innovative pedagogies



Training of trainers

Follow-up/ Further professional support

Access to CPD tools and platforms