The Journal accepts for publication texts in English, on topics in the field of digital pedagogy. Draft proposals in French, Italian or Romanian can be submitted in advance, for an opinion regarding the possibility of publication.
The review process and the publication of papers are free of charge.
Articles can be submitted at any time throughout the year – JDP has a continuous publication model. The date of publication coincides with the date of acceptance of the final text, and this determines the journal number in which the article is included.
Authors retain the copyright of their papers.
All published papers are in open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence CC BY, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
1. Editorial review. Each article is preliminarily assessed by members of the editorial team. A plagiarism check is performed before any content analysis. The journal has a zero-tolerance plagiarism policy (including self-plagiarism).
2. Peer review. Then the text is anonymised and sent to two independent scholars for ”blind” (anonymously) peer reviewing.
» Full JDP ethics policy
The journal has adopted a Free Format submission policy, enabling authors to submit their manuscript in whichever format they choose, as long as it is readable and understandable by editors and reviewers.
To propose an article to be published in the Journal of Digital Pedagogy, send an email to, with two attached files: the article and data about the authors. A statement of originality should accompany the email.
(1) The article must be in editable format (preferably in MS Word or compatible) and contain: title, authors (surname, title, institutional affiliation, country), abstract, keywords, content of the article (including tables, graphs, images, bibliography in APA format)
The abstract should be concise, clear, comprehensive, including the premise and main ideas and/or important conclusions of the study. As a guideline, the length of the abstract could be around 1,500 characters.
(2) A separate file must accompany the article, attached to the email, with information about each author: full name, email address, academic title, institution name, link to academic profile (ORCiD – preferably – or Thomson Researcher ID or Publons or Scopus or Google Scholar). The corresponding author also enter their phone number. Email addresses and phone numbers will not be made public unless the author(s) expressly states that they wish them to appear on the article page.
(3) The proposal must be accompanied by a statement declaring that the work is original, has not been previously published even in part, and has not been submitted for publication to another journal or conference. The statement can be a separate document or embedded into email body. [We, …names of the authors…, hereby declare that the submitted paper…] or [As the corresponding author, I certify that this manuscript…]
* The corresponding author is solely responsible for communicating with the journal and with managing communication between co-authors.
Article proposals receive a response in maximum two weeks. Sometimes, the review team requests parts of the article to be redone, images to be resubmitted in better quality formats, the bibliography to be completed, or the abstract to be redone/ translated, before publishing or non-acceptance decision is made.
The decision about a manuscript is based only on its added value to the field of digital pedagogy, originality, clarity, and relevance to the journal’s scope and content.