Journal of Digital Pedagogy is an open-access periodical, with rigorous academic standards, addressing topics at the intersection of education and digital technologies. It publishes studies and analyses that contribute significantly to the development of the field of digital pedagogy.
Frequency: One volume per year; articles can be submitted at any time.
Fees: The journal does not charge for any service provided.
Copyright policy: Authors retain the full copyright of their papers.
Open access statement: The Journal of Digital Pedagogy is a fully open access periodical, which means that all articles are available online immediately upon acceptance and publication, to interested readers worldwide, without any financial or access barriers. All content is distributed under CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Indexed in: ERIH Plus, Google Scholar, Sherpa Romeo, Academic Resource Index – ResearchBib, Crossref, Scilit, DRJI, OpenAIRE, Zenodo
Ethics Policy
Originality: Authors must guarantee the submitted manuscript was originally written by them. The work must not have been published previously nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the work and/or words of others are included, they must be appropriately cited or quoted. Authors have to make a clear statement about the originality of their work. Editors will scan each submitted manuscript with plagiarism detector software; in any case of fraud or misconduct, the submission will be rejected.
Data access and citation: Authors may be requested to provide the raw data relevant to the paper for editorial review. They should also be prepared to provide public access to such data. Data must be cited in the same way as article, book, and web citations and authors are required to include data citations as part of their reference list.
Acknowledgement of sources: The authors should properly acknowledge any work in the manuscript that has been contributed by others, including artificial intelligence tools.
Declaration and conflicts of interest: Authors may be requested to provide disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.
Reporting standards: Authors of original research papers should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance.
Human Rights: For research that includes experiments involving humans, a statement of compliance is required to show that procedures were followed in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national).
Research ethics: The research must comply with local and international standards, policies and regulations.
Authors’ ethical statement: Authors are accountable for all aspects of their work (including full data access, data integrity, and the accuracy of the data analysis) in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Rules for Reviewers:
Only review papers that are relevant to their own expertise.
Read the papers with appropriate care and attention and use their best efforts to be constructively critical.
Regard the work being reviewed as confidential and will not discuss it with others and will keep their own identity from authors.
Review submitted work in a timely manner.
Report any suspected ethical misconduct which appears in the work.
Avoid any offensive language in their appraisals of the papers.
Agree to review future versions of the work and provide follow up advice.
Seek advice from the editor if anything is unclear at any time during the review process or if there is any possible conflict of interest.
Communicate with editor in a timely fashion.
Treat all papers reviewed fairly without any favour of prejudice.
Rules for Editors:
Only authorise for publication content of the highest quality.
Ensure that a thorough, objective and blind peer review is conducted for original article submissions.
Clearly identify articles which will not be single-blind peer reviewed (i.e. non-academic papers).
Be transparent with regards to the review and publication process with appropriate care that individuals will not be identified when it is inappropriate to so do.
Provide advice to the authors during the submission process when necessary.
Provide the right to appeal any editorial decision.
Be attentive to the possibility of third party material being included in papers for which there may not be sufficient permission.
Be prepared to publish errata when necessary.
Communicate with both the reviewer(s) and the author(s) in a timely manner.
Treat all submissions fairly without any favour of prejudice.
Updated on August 21st, 2023
The Journal of Digital Pedagogy is edited in partnership by:
- Institute for Education (Bucharest)
- Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Teacher Training Department – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi
- Faculty of Political Sciences, Teacher Training Department – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
Editorial board & Scientific committee of JDP »
Founding Editors & Governing Body:
- dr. Olimpius Istrate (Institute for Education & University of Bucharest)
- Doru Ștefănescu (Social IT)
- dr. Simona Velea (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration)
- dr. Ciprian Ceobanu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University)
54 Doctor Louis Pasteur str., Bucharest, Romania
+40 722 458 000
Associated conference: